Menus in general have 2 formats for defining actions.
In this format, the entire string is evaluated before action is taken. It consists of an expression, usually starting with #classpath+ …, as shown below:
Inventory Ledger by Item Group with Serial Number |#classPath+"/"+#servlet+"?page=*crystal imledwbin_dim_group_sl(~ p ~ xgitem caption(From Item Group) default(#sql(""select min(xcode) from xcodes where xtype='Item Group' ""),~ xgitem caption(To Item Group) default(#sql(""select max(xcode) from xcodes where xtype='Item Group' ""),~ xitem caption(From Item) picklist(list xitem_si) display(text) default(#sql(""select min(xitem) from caitem ""),~ xitem caption(To Item) picklist(list xitem_si) display(text) default(#sql(""select max(xitem) from caitem ""),~ xwh caption(From Warehouse) default(""0-Consignments-0""),~ xwh caption(To Warehouse) default(#sql(""select max(xwh) from caitemextwh ""),~ xloc caption(From Bin) picklist(select xloc from imtrn) default(""""),~ xloc caption(To Bin) picklist(select xloc from imtrn) default(#sql(""select max(xloc) from imtrn ""),~ xdate caption(From Date),~ xdate caption(To Date),xtypestk attrib(hide)~ )"
In this format, literal quotes “ need to replaced by double quotes ”“, as in
default(#sql(""select max(xwh) from caitemextwh "")
In this format, the entire string is used as it is for action. It usually starts with page= …, as shown below:
Transaction Listing by Supplier |page=*crystal imtrnlistsup(~ p ~ xdoctype caption(Document Type) picklist(#text(imdoctype)) display(combo) default("Transfer Order"),~ xsup caption(From Supplier) picklist(select xsup from casup) display(combo) default(#sql("select min(xsup) from casup"),~ xsup caption(To Supplier) picklist(select xsup from casup) display(combo) default(#sql("select max(xsup) from casup "),~ xdate caption(From Date),xdate caption(To Date),~ xtrnnum caption(From Trn#) default(""),xtrnnum caption(To Trn#) default("z"),~ xitem caption(From Item) default(""),xitem caption(To Item) default("z") ~ )
In this format, literal quotes “ need NOT be replaced by double quotes ”“, as in
default(#sql("select min(xsup) from casup")
DO NOT, therefore, replace quotes(”) with double-quotes(”“) in literally formatted action specifications.