Table of Contents

Manufacturing Order (MO)

MO Status

Flags are needed in moodt and moout, to identify the lines that came through explosion and are not user-entered or user-modified. There is no flag needed in moord. Presence of any flagged item in moodt or moout will automatically indicate exploded data. Also, if any change is made to an exploded line by the user, the record flag should be set to '', even if the line was originally a result of explosion.

Status should be

Following the current convention, show all the status concurrently. Thus a completed MO will have ststus like:


Please note that Kitted and Partially Kitted, as well as Empty, Open and Exploded are mutually exclusive. So, you cannot have something like:

   Empty|Open|Exploded|Released|Partially Kitted|Kitted|Completed|

Empty and Open are unnecessary, the moment the MO propagates to Released state. So, you can have:




But NOT,



   Released|Partially Kitted|Kitted

Instead the above should be


Also note that, by definition, Empty, Empty Input and Empty Output are mutually exclusive.

MO/BOM Structure

MO module is designed for one or more output products manufactured from one or more components. To facilitate that, standard structures may be defined in BOM that are accessed by unique BOM keys. A single BOM key may refer to multiple components (as sets of Options) and multiple output products.

A manufacturing order can be populated by Exploding a BOM with the help of a BOM key and a lot size defined in MO header. User can also manually add in components as well as output records. A component or output record is flagged as “Exploded”, if it's been created from BOM as a result of Explosion. A manually added or modified record will have no such flags.

The usual flow of processes comprises:

  1. Add an MO
  2. Explode
  3. Manually add or modify outputs and components
  4. Release
  5. Kit
  6. Complete

At the end of completion, a GL voucher is created using IM to GL Interface table. For the purpose of this module, the interface ensures that all outputs are treated as Transfer Receipts and all components as Transfer Issues.

At any point of time, an Undo will undo the last significant process. The undoing of a Completed MO will bring it back to Kitted status, the same that of a Kitted one will yield a Released MO, and so on.

Please see the discussion above about MO Status for an understanding of the real process.