Table of Contents

Item Master


Sample page for Item master

Mandatory field for Item Master

For items that are checked for either Serial or Batch Number, you will need to supply the Serial or Batch Number during any issue or receipt transaction of the items.

Serial Number is required to identify an item.

Commonly Used terms

Visibility To hide Item. (It will not appear in the search menu).
Stop Order If you want to stop any transaction for this item. (In case there's a transaction, a notification will popped up).
Cut-pieces Used for Items with dimension requirement.
Batch/Matrix Collection of Item you want to monitor by batch.
Stock type Actual Physical type of the Item.
Link Image uploading ( You need to write the file name in the space provided)
Alias Another name of the Item
Standard Cost Initial cost
Standard Price Price taken by the system during transaction (Selling Price).
Minimum Price The system will notify you if the Price exceeds below this set amount.
Bin Location It can be shelves, corner of your warehouse, cupboard, etc…