Table of Contents

Singapore GST

The features required by Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to implement Goods and Services Tax (GST) related components are installed by simply inserting the word sg-iras in the comma-separated list of Custom Features in the target business. To do this, go to

 System Administration » Business, Modules and Models

from the Home page, insert sg-iras in Custom Features and click on Update.

Also, please note that if the Tax Number is blank, the business itself will be considered an Unregistered Entity.

The Tax Table

The tax table defines the tax structure of the business by defining the tax components, rates, codes, accounts, etc., depending on Tax Scope, an attribute of affected entity (Customer or Supplier) and Tax Category, an attribute of the item being supplied or purchased.

Once you have set sg-iras in the Custom Features, the Tax Table along with the related codes are automatically preloaded. Any predefined tax table entries will be totally replaced by the auto-loader.

So, when you go to

Cross Application » Settings

and click on the Tax Table tab, you will see

Select row, enter appropriate GST account code (if already defined in the Chart of Accounts) and click on Update to save.

Once the tax table is ready for use, you will need to define default Tax Scopes for the customers and suppliers, default Tax Categories for items. These an be overridden by authorized users at the point of transaction processing.

Default Tax Scopes


Customer default Tax Scopes are defined in the Customer master. Go to

Cross Application » Customers

and you will see

Select a customer, enter appropriate default Tax Scope from the available options and click on Update to save.


Supplier default Tax Scopes are defined in the Supplier master. Go to

Cross Application » Suppliers

and you will see

Select a supplier, enter appropriate default Tax Scope from the available options and click on Update to save.

Default Tax Categories

Item default Tax Categories are defined in the Item master. Go to

Cross Application » Items

and you will see

Select an item, enter appropriate default Tax Category from the available options and click on Update to save.

Sales and Purchase Transactions

The default settings will be automatically picked up during entry of Sales and Purchase Transactions and the rates and tax codes applied accordingly. However, an authorized user may override such default assignments and calculations. The Operational procedures for these transactions, however, are beyond the scope of this page and have been discussed elsewhere.

Generation of IAF

To generate, view or download the IAF, go to

General Ledger » GL Reports » IRAS Audit File

This will bring you to

To Generate or Regenerate the IAF, enter the date range and click on the tab Generate.

To view or download, click or right-click on the link on the list.