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Mail From DreamApps should maintain following steps:

1. At first following lines should incorporate in da.globals:

smtp “”
server “”
portsmtp 465
ssl “yes”
authsmtp “yes”

protocol “pop3”
portrec 995
mailbox “INBOX”
user “”
password “helpdesk2020”

2. In our .page we should write the following lines:

set amtrcvd=“Leave Application Apply”
str msgbody
text “”,“string msgbody”
mail from=xfrom(From Address);;to=xto(To Address);;sub=amtrcvd;;message=msgbody is a text file which extension should be .email. You can maintain the following text:
Dear Sir:
“”+prmst.xname(xemp)+“ (”+xemp+“)“
“has applied for ”+xleave+” for ”+xdaysreq+“ day(s) from ”+#format(xfdate,date)+“ to ”+#format(xtdate,date)+~
“ for ”+xpurpose+“.”
Please take an appropriate action.
“”+zbusiness.xshort()+“ Automated Leave Routing Service”

/srv/www/htdocs/wiki/data/pages/mail/start.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/23 12:52 (external edit)