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activity Activity activity shortname=xorg;;opp=xcuspo;;source=“Engineering Customer Order”;;type=“Auto”;;team=xteam;;note=“Order No: ”+xordernum+“ updated.”
array array get(index,fields) An array is a container object that holds set of Data array get(i,clist) [i=index,clist=list of fields]
begin BEGIN TRANSACTION represents a point at which the data referenced by a connection is logically and physically consistent.begin if err == 1 .or. #result .eq. “false” rollback else commit end if
break if we need to exit from a loop/command action in the point of Error then we use break. Exm~01: buffer ppmps=#form set ppmps.xrevised=“” insert ppmps if #result .eq. “false” print “Cannot Insert new MPS – Cannot Revise” break end if Exm~02: str sql=“select xsup as sup from caitemsup i, pordt r where i.zid=r.zid and i.xitem=r.xitem and r.zid=”+#id+“ and r.xporeqnum='”+xporeqnum+“' group by xsup” int is=#sqlfill(sql) int i=0 int showrfq=0 while i < is array get(i,“sup”) int itemp=#sql(int,“select count(*) from porfq where xporeqnum='”+xporeqnum+“' and xsup='”+sup+“'”) if itemp == 0 set showrfq=1 break end if set i=i+1 end while
buffer buffer to access and update cache, to reduce database file I/O. buffer xlocals [where xlocals is table name]
call Call Method call xy [where xy is a Method name]
Clear Clear existing data from form Clear
captcha CAPTCHA is the type of response test used to determine whether or not the user is human
console The term console usually refers to a log file[c:\tomcat\logs\ localhost……log] to monitor the status of the system. console “Voucher ”+glexchap.xalcnum+“:”+glexchap.xalcrow+“:”+line+“:amount=”+amount
convert convert from,to
command command expression
commit A commit is the final step in the successful completion of a previously started transaction by begin begin if err == 1 .or. #result .eq. “false” rollback else commit end if
copydir copydir source, target
copyfi copyfile source, target
copy copy filename(field=newvalue;field=newvalue;..
compute A mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.compute disc = 0.00+(xdiscf/totqty)*xqtyord
decimal Data Type decimal x [“x” is a variable]
delete Delete Entry Delete fatrn[where fatrn is a table name]
dconsole Debug console
dprint Debug print
double Data Type double x [“x” is a variable]
error It is about problems that occur during the execution of our program. error “ GL Interface for ”+xtrnfa+“ Catagory: ”+astcategory+“ Not Found – Aborting ”
float Data Type float x [“x” is a variable]
history history type=“Bug”;;object=xbug;;action=“Assign”;;status=“1-New”;;new=“2-Assigned”;;message=btbugs.xnote
int Data Type int x [“x” is a variable]
insert insert data to database insert fatrn [where fatrn is a table name]
mail mail from=#user;;to=xmember+“,”+xholder;;sub=“Bug ”+xbug+“ Assigned for Resolution”;;message=“The Bug No: ”+xbug+“ has been assigned to you for resolution.”+#char(10)+btbugs.xlong
print Display output, top of the page print x [where x is a variable.]
schedule scheduler stop/start
sftp SFTP
string Data Type string x [“x” is a variable]
update update data update fatrn [where fatrn is a table name]
comp A mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.comp disc = 0.00+(xdiscf/totqty)*xqtyord
/srv/www/htdocs/wiki/data/pages/new/manik.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/03 04:16 by manik