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Supplier Master


  • A party that supplies goods or services. A supplier may be distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds specialized input to deliverables.

Sample Image for a Supplier Page

Mandatory Fields

  • Country - Supplier's country of origin
  • Phone - Landline Number
  • Phone-Mobile - Hand Phone Number
  • Control Account-AP - Use in Gl Interface.
    • Needed to be setup so that upon confirmation of GRN Transactions will be posted to the account correctly in GL.
  • Supplier Group - company defined grouping of supplier
  • Tax Scope -
  • Currency - This is the default currency used to create purchase transactions for this supplier only, it can be in any currency.

Steps How to fill-in the Supplier File

  1. Fill-in the self explanatory field.
  2. Click Add
  3. Supplier Master File Created.
Supplier Number
Short Name Abbreviation/ Alias
Name Complete Name of the Supplier
Address 1Bldg #/Name & Street Address/Lot Number
Address 2Barangay/Municipality
First Name Name of the Contact Person
Middle Name
Last Name
Title Designation of the Contact Person
Phone Landline Number
Phone-Mobile Hand Phone number
Tax Number
Control Account-AP Use for GL interface
Control Account-GT
Supplier Group Classification of Supplier defined by the company
Supplier Type Classification of Supplier defined by the company
Price GroupClassification of Supplier defined by the company
SIC Code
Tax Scope
Supplier Status
Credit Limitrefers to the maximum amount allowed for this certain Supplier
Credit Available the unused portion of an open line of credit
Credit TermsCredit terms or terms of credit is the agreement between a seller and buyer that lists the timing and amount of payments the buyer will make in the future.
Discount% refers to the condition of the price of a bond that is lower than par, or face value.
Agent An authorized person
Commission a fee paid based on a percentage of the sale made by an employee or agent
Currencysomething that is used as a medium of exchange
Expiration Date
Permit Approval
Delivery Zone
Time Slot
Payment instruction

Note: You can hide the field which you find it unimportant/unnecessary and should not be included in your supplier's file master.

/srv/www/htdocs/wiki/data/pages/new/supplier_master.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/12 03:36 by ca