Starting Version 5.8, the concepts of a Launchpad and a Default Site were introduced to facilitate user access when the same business has multiple sites, say, an ERP site, a Web Store and an Employee Portal.
The default site can be expressly defined in
System Administration->Settings->Defaults
If you do not define a default site, the system automatically determines default site in the following manner:
To access a site directly from your URL, say,, use
(1) For the global directory to work correctly, make sure your system has business id 1 which implements the global directory. Run the following SQL commands from initdb to update the site.
update zbusiness set zorg='Directory of Sites' where zid=1; update pxskins set xtemplate='Global.html', xcss='Global.css' where zid=1; update pxsites set xpathsite='' where zid=1;
(2) Copy the index.html from the repository and overwrite the existing one on both da and ROOT contexts.
The Launchpad is the default Home site for a business which can be used by the internal users to launch various sites in the business. When you launch a site from the Launchpad, you always return to Launchpad. Outside users may be given only the URL directly going to the sites of their interest.
To install Launchpad for a business, after logging in to the ERP site, delete the portal as well as the skin with the name Home, if any. Thereafter, change the page parameter to page=catest to start the test page. Once in catest, Run the command
call caaddhome
Now, if you click on the company name/logo in the Directory or access using you will be taken to the Launchpad of the business.